Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Expect the Unexpected

"Why are you going to India??!!"
Here's the scoop:

If you know me well enough, you know I have never been out of the country.  Matt and I went to Puerto Rico on our honeymoon, but being a U.S. territory, I don't consider that leaving "the mainland".

I have always wanted to visit another country.  My lifelong dream has been to visit France someday to watch the Tour de France and practice the 6 years of French I took in high school and college.  Now that I think about it, this trip to India is 10xs more ambitious and adventurous than a trip to France would ever be.  Up until a couple of months ago, I had never even thought about India as a travel option.

Nonetheless, in January, I applied for a scholarship program through the Beattie Foundation which pays for two Buncombe County/Asheville City schools teachers to attend a study trip to India for two weeks with the Center for International Understanding out of Chapel Hill.  This trip would include 30-some other teachers across NC who would be attending as well.  I interviewed for the scholarship trip in February and found out a couple weeks later that I was chosen as an alternate.  Disappointed and believing that no one would ever back out of an opportunity to travel to India, I sort of brushed off the opportunity and began to make plans for the summer.  I took on a job to be the head coach for a local neighborhood swim team and planned on working and staying around in Asheville for the summer.  Then, at the end of May, as the school year was winding down, I received an email from the folks at CIU inquiring if I still wanted to go on the India trip.  Apparently a position became available.  After a day of panicking because I had missed the trip orientation in Raleigh, I was able to make a plan for who would help out my swim team while I was gone for two weeks.  I emailed CIU back and told them that I would LOVE to attend the trip to India and here I am now.  I am going to India in TWO DAYS.

I am nervous but extremely excited at the same time.  I don't really know what to expect so I have told myself to expect the unexpected.

Today is packing day with the anticipation of the weather clearing up enough tomorrow to get to do something fun outside on the 4th of July.  Hopefully I can find internet access frequently enough to update this blog with pictures and stories of my experiences. 

Here are some of the gifts I am bringing to India as well as some necessities...

1 comment:

  1. Great idea to do this blog! I have bookmarked it on my ipad and I look forward to reading your updates. Safe travels, and have a wonderful time!
